gunnr_lp: Waltraut, Der Ring des Nibelungen [1889] - Carl Emil Doepler
gunnr_lp: Retribution (1870) - Edward Armitage
gunnr_lp: Odin’s farewell to Brynhildr (1892) - Konrad Dielitz
gunnr_lp: Heimkehr (Homecoming) (1940) - Hans Adolf Bühler
gunnr_lp: Esclarmonde de Foix (Occitan- Esclarmonda de Fois) (detail) (1889 ) Illustration - Eugène Grasset
gunnr_lp: Die Nornen (1876) Illustrator - Carl Emil Doepler
gunnr_lp: Knight Carrying Child (1920) - Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale
gunnr_lp: Britomart (1900) - Walter Crane
gunnr_lp: Persephone [1866] - Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys
gunnr_lp: King Arthur and the weeping Queens [1866] - Dante Gabriel Rossetti
gunnr_lp: 'My Lorde Bucarte', armour for Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst and 1st Earl of Dorset (detail), 1587. Museum no. D.613&A-1894. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
gunnr_lp: A page from ‘Épître d’Othéa’ by Christine de Pizan [c. 1460]