gunnr_lp: A Man in Armour [1655] - Rembrandt van Rijn
gunnr_lp: Magdalene and Two Flames [c. 1638-1643] - Georges de la Tour
gunnr_lp: The Duel of Women (The Duel of Isabella de Carazzi and Diambra de Pettinella) [1636] - Jusepe de Ribera
gunnr_lp: Martirio de Santa Cecilia [Martyrdom of St. Cecilia] (1630) - Orazio Riminaldi
gunnr_lp: Magdalena (1665-1666) - Mateo Cerezo the Younger
gunnr_lp: Jerusalem delivered. Tancrède facing Clorinda (Acquaviva Palace, Conversano) - Paolo Domenico Finoglia
gunnr_lp: The Martyrdom Of Saint Margaret [1616] - Lodovico Carracci
gunnr_lp: St. Catherine of Alexandria [1599] - Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio
gunnr_lp: Allegory of Rule [1690] - Francesco Solimena
gunnr_lp: The Capture Of The Golden Fleece [1742] - Jean-Francois Detroi
gunnr_lp: Still-Life with Attributes of the Arts [1766] - Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin
gunnr_lp: La Pudeur [1749-52] - Antonio Corradini
gunnr_lp: An Assembly Of Dwarves, in an interior - Enrico Albricci (1714-1775)
gunnr_lp: The Capture of Rome - Otto van Veen (c. 1556-1629)
gunnr_lp: King Midas [c. 1670] - Andrea Vaccaro
gunnr_lp: Melancholia / Melancholy [c. 1620] - Domenico Fetti
gunnr_lp: The Inspiration of the Poet [1629-30] - Nicolas Poussin
gunnr_lp: Diana and Actaeon [1600] - Alessandro Turchi
gunnr_lp: Death of Cleopatra (with corpse of Marc Antony in foreground) [c. 1640] - Alessandro Turchi
gunnr_lp: Vädersolstavlan / aka The Sun Dog Painting (The Perihelion) [1636] - Jacob Heinrich Elbfas
gunnr_lp: Orphée charmant les animaux - Entourage de Nicolas de Bruyn (vers 1625) / Orpheus charming animals - Entourage of Nicolas de Bruyn (circa 1625)
gunnr_lp: The Ridotto in Venice with masked figures gambling - Pietro Longhi
gunnr_lp: The Ridotto in Venice with masked figures gambling - Master Of The Ridotto (Active Venice, 18TH Century)