Dawn D: taking full credit for this inclusion. 100+ idealistic young people for 5+ weeks is a lot a lot a lot of group process / with thanks to beloved faraway BGI for the inspiration
Dawn D: merci josephine for the meridian line headshot #poc21
Dawn D: midnight oil + electronica. dome lit up, filled with drilling, hammering, a hundred + more idealists wide awake + zooming
Dawn D: this has been good #poc21
Dawn D: Countdown build #poc21
Dawn D: Building electronics well past midnight #poc21
Dawn D: evolutions, elegant flexibility #poc21
Dawn D: good favour wins minor battle against grumpy jetlag in a field in france / hi again my loves #poc21
Dawn D: in a lifetime of cab rides to the airport, this one stands out / blasting eurythmics from a motorbike on a hot paris day all the way to charles de gaulle
Dawn D: lunch drawings with @bilalghalib & @fuseps
Dawn D: free library phone booth / scored some camus in the original + bambi pour ma fillette / thanks @bilalghalib for the shot
Dawn D: once upon a time in faraway texas the gentleman on the right helped open many doors to my younger self / @jasminainstagram + bruce sterling bring casa jasmina to #poc21 #viridiandesign
Dawn D: orangerie #poc21
Dawn D: details #poc21
Dawn D: mentor's day at #poc21 / did this for 15 hours + now I am tired / thanks @bilalghalib for the shot
Dawn D: jedi paul @fuseps
Dawn D: on singapore time @bilalghalib #poc21
Dawn D: @bilalghalib lands at #poc21
Dawn D: chateau millemont #poc21
Dawn D: cnc offcuts @open_desk #poc21
Dawn D: german engineering / inga sacks out after a long afternoon of dome construction #poc21
Dawn D: it just wouldn't be complete without the requisite buckydome construction #poc21
Dawn D: buckydome chalkboard childcare #poc21
Dawn D: fierce trilingual uno #poc21
Dawn D: dusk, west out of paris
Dawn D: grammatical correction with @fuseps in paris
Dawn D: These 500 year old lindens are just halfway through their lives, he explains. Permaculturist Peter Clark of the Pop Up Foundation walks us through the #poc21 grounds. Acorns, wild boars, mushrooms and the remains of an ancient forest.
Dawn D: 3 times a day, #poc21 rockstar chef Linn is given a team of unskilled sous-chefs who speak up to 5 different languages, and then, without speaking English, has them cook amazing food for 100+ people in a kitchen that didn't exist more than a week ago.
Dawn D: no passengers #poc21
Dawn D: brume #poc21