DaveWilsonPhotography: Sleepy Orange on Indigo Spire
DaveWilsonPhotography: Sleepy Orange
DaveWilsonPhotography: Large Orange Sulphur Close Up
DaveWilsonPhotography: Large Orange Sulphur
DaveWilsonPhotography: Gulf Fritillary Feeding
DaveWilsonPhotography: Large Orange Sulphur Feeding
DaveWilsonPhotography: Gulf Fritillary Feeding (cropped)
DaveWilsonPhotography: American Lady
DaveWilsonPhotography: Sleepy Orange Feeding
DaveWilsonPhotography: Bee Assassin feeding
DaveWilsonPhotography: Assassin Bug and Bee
DaveWilsonPhotography: Sleepy Orange on Thistle 2
DaveWilsonPhotography: Widow Skimmer Dragonfly
DaveWilsonPhotography: Widow Skimmer Wings
DaveWilsonPhotography: Sleepy Orange on Thistle
DaveWilsonPhotography: Great Purple Hairstreak
DaveWilsonPhotography: Dryas Iulia Butterfly
DaveWilsonPhotography: Mexican Hat and Bee
DaveWilsonPhotography: Skipper on Thistle
DaveWilsonPhotography: Gulf Fritillary
DaveWilsonPhotography: Gulf Fritillary on Zinnia
DaveWilsonPhotography: Cricket on Zinnia
DaveWilsonPhotography: Leaffooted Bugs on a Thistle
DaveWilsonPhotography: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
DaveWilsonPhotography: Beetle on Flower
DaveWilsonPhotography: Garden Spider
DaveWilsonPhotography: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
DaveWilsonPhotography: Delicate Wings