dawadderman: Ring retrieving his ball.
dawadderman: Red Rubber Ball
dawadderman: Ring and Shep.
dawadderman: Ring and Shep
dawadderman: Ring & Shep
dawadderman: Ring & Shep. Vaasetter walk, sunset 7th November, 2011
dawadderman: Hey Boss, you call that belaying!
dawadderman: Oh my, that's a long way down!
dawadderman: Evening walk on Hoini, Fair Isle
dawadderman: Fair Isle airstrip. Threshold 06
dawadderman: L1050781-Edit
dawadderman: Shep in contemplation.
dawadderman: Looking north from Vaasetter, Fair Isle
dawadderman: L1050767
dawadderman: Hey Boss! There's a cat on the webcam!
dawadderman: A break in the weather
dawadderman: Autumn afternoon. Vaasetter, Fair Isle
dawadderman: Evening on Hoini, Fair Isle.
dawadderman: L1050650
dawadderman: Bit more to your right I think.
dawadderman: Re-building a fallen wall at Field, Fair Isle