Cecil Schneider: The pool at sunset
Cecil Schneider: The Hotel School
Cecil Schneider: The catamaran
Cecil Schneider: Sun glitters off rocks
Cecil Schneider: Ships on the horizon
Cecil Schneider: Sails on the horizon
Cecil Schneider: Rock pool in centre
Cecil Schneider: Rock pool
Cecil Schneider: Floral wave
Cecil Schneider: Floral foreground; sea behind
Cecil Schneider: Floral display
Cecil Schneider: Felix and Larissa
Cecil Schneider: Container ship
Cecil Schneider: Container ship beyond the rocks
Cecil Schneider: Container ship reflects the setting sun
Cecil Schneider: Container ship passes by
Cecil Schneider: Container ship in front of grass
Cecil Schneider: Catamaran on right
Cecil Schneider: Catamaran enters from right side
Cecil Schneider: Cat and the waves
Cecil Schneider: Cat and the rocks
Cecil Schneider: Boat passes rocks and grass
Cecil Schneider: Boat off the rocks
Cecil Schneider: Boat in the distance
Cecil Schneider: Boat enters from left
Cecil Schneider: Boats approach each other
Cecil Schneider: Boat and bird