Davo: DSC05131
Davo: Gingerbread
Davo: The Frangipani Dock
Davo: DSC05143
Davo: Whaleboner
Davo: Frangipani Hotel and Restaurant
Davo: Frangipani Hotel & Restaurant
Davo: Whaleboner Restaurant and Bar
Davo: DSC05340
Davo: Friendship Rose
Davo: Friendship Rose
Davo: Friendship Rose
Davo: Maranne's Ice Cream @ the Gingerbread in Bequia
Davo: Maranne's Ice Cream @ the Gingerbread in Bequia
Davo: Eating Ice Cream @ the Gingerbread in Admiralty Bay
Davo: Eating Ice Cream @ the Gingerbread in Admiralty Bay
Davo: Mac's Pizza in the evening, Bequia
Davo: Diving with Dive Bequia, on hte Belmont boardwalk, Bequia
Davo: Lobster Pizza @ Macs Pizza in Bequia