hobbitsmama: Old Sturbridge Village
hobbitsmama: Old Sturbridge Village
hobbitsmama: Old Sturbridge Village
hobbitsmama: Old Sturbridge Village
hobbitsmama: Old Sturbridge Village
hobbitsmama: arboretum Conn Coll
hobbitsmama: arboretum Conn Coll
hobbitsmama: arboretum Conn Coll
hobbitsmama: Fish Crow with a grape
hobbitsmama: Semipalmated Plover and Least Sandpiper
hobbitsmama: Least Tern
hobbitsmama: Least Tern
hobbitsmama: Least Sandpiper
hobbitsmama: Semipalmated Plover
hobbitsmama: Redwinged Blackbird
hobbitsmama: Willet
hobbitsmama: Willet
hobbitsmama: Greater Yellowlegs
hobbitsmama: Greater Yellowlegs and Ruff
hobbitsmama: Little Blue Heron
hobbitsmama: Killdeer
hobbitsmama: Great Egret
hobbitsmama: Snowy Egret
hobbitsmama: shelter