Davie Dunn: Ilford Pan F+ 50, developed in stock Perceptol and scanned neg.
Davie Dunn: Ilford Pan F 50, Perceptol processed and scanned neg.
Davie Dunn: Ilford Pan F+ 50, developed in 1+31 Ilfotec HC and scanned neg using Epson V750
Davie Dunn: Ilford Pan F+ 50, developed in 1+31 Ilfotec HC and scanned neg using Epson V750
Davie Dunn: Ilford Pan F+ 50, developed in 1+31 Ilfotec HC and scanned neg using Epson V750
Davie Dunn: Ilford Pan F+ 50, developed in 1+31 Ilfotec HC and scanned neg using Epson V750
Davie Dunn: Ilford Pan F+ 50, developed in 1+31 Ilfotec HC and scanned neg using Epson V750
Davie Dunn: Ilford Pan F+ 50, developed in 1+31 Ilfotec HC and scanned neg using Epson V750