davidwjford: Preparing the Field
davidwjford: Y2B Ready for Action
davidwjford: Alexandre is prepared for Victory
davidwjford: Madison sets off
davidwjford: Katie in the Relay
davidwjford: Finley in the Relay
davidwjford: Lily and Leela waiting for the swimming to begin
davidwjford: Leela and Mathilda
davidwjford: Alexandre waving
davidwjford: Maya and Madeline share a joke
davidwjford: Lily swimming
davidwjford: Madeline swimming
davidwjford: The noodle relay
davidwjford: The noodle relay gets busy
davidwjford: Lily splashing Maddie
davidwjford: Lily helps Leela out
davidwjford: Izzy B is focused on winning
davidwjford: Proper racing now
davidwjford: Alexandre takes a breath
davidwjford: Diving!
davidwjford: Lukas and Alexandre mean business
davidwjford: Issy starts the obstacle race
davidwjford: Mathilda racing
davidwjford: Alexandre hands off the baton
davidwjford: Lukas narrowly beats Issy F
davidwjford: Lily racing
davidwjford: Some finishes were very close
davidwjford: Eva and Mathilda are closely matched
davidwjford: Alexandre barely beats Kara
davidwjford: Lily had fun