DJ Witty: Dinosaurs!
DJ Witty: Matchbox 8 Wheel Crane.
DJ Witty: Matchbox Daimler Bus in green.
DJ Witty: Matchbox Daimler Bus in Blonde.
DJ Witty: Matchbox 50th Anniversary VW Bug
DJ Witty: American Muscle Meet.
DJ Witty: GMC Tipper Truck
DJ Witty: Contractors at Work
DJ Witty: 1948 Tucker Torpedo Low Rider.
DJ Witty: '61 Impala
DJ Witty: Crazy 'Bout a Mercury
DJ Witty: Rear end parking only.
DJ Witty: Matchbox International Express.
DJ Witty: Valley Express Van.
DJ Witty: '73 Firebird
DJ Witty: The Jaguar E Type.
DJ Witty: I always take my Jag to the bar.
DJ Witty: Additional Jag on a flat.
DJ Witty: Jag on a flat
DJ Witty: 2 Jags on a flat
DJ Witty: Towin' away the Jag.
DJ Witty: Somewhat Crowded
DJ Witty: Valley Express sans-a-decals
DJ Witty: Resting.
DJ Witty: 5 spaces left!
DJ Witty: Spokes.
DJ Witty: Spoked gray wheel
DJ Witty: Jag on a flat-again.
DJ Witty: Baja Tundra in the Tundra