Eduardo Taylor: Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro
im4ginary_fri3nd: chart stairs
Robert - Photo du jour: 2017-07-26 – Reflections : N°1 (Freiburg Trumpet Ensemble)
Jeff Stoltzfus: Heritage Flight
sasastro: Yes, that worked.
Gloria Garcia...: Fire escape
fnoothout: Waiting for John Wayne
s0340248: DSC09751
BenG94: Ceiling Fan
scott david porter: Kelpies B&W 18 February
uwenberger: Seilscheibe
Richard Forward: #4 - V&A Museum
mvdreijden: Central Station and Delftse Poort building Rotterdam
Bob Menak: Boardwalk Black & White
J.Lago: Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof
James K *: symmetry
albert.goesswein: romanesque architecture
koen_jacobs: ⚓️ The Antwerp ⛵️ Port House
Tim Noonan: regentpk2
ceemac1946: IMG_7172-1
iamunclefester: Five dots
Whippet X: La Spezia
The Dragon Master1975: Bude - Efford Cottage
Larterman: "More Really Shiny Things that Don’t Mean Anything"
modulationmike: Shadow casts : EXPLORED
antwerpenR: Me and my Toyota Truck...