DavidWF2009: Stirling LMS Compound pass Glasgow Buchanan St to Perth 1947 JVol1263
DavidWF2009: Perth NB goods J83 June 1948 JVol7239
DavidWF2009: Perth Class 5 5172 and another pass Perth to Inverness June 48 JVol6017
DavidWF2009: Stirling D11 62671 Bailie Mac Wheeble pass Stirling to Edinburgh June 1948 heavy rain late afternoon JVol6016
DavidWF2009: Stirling 26032 from Menstrie 5th April 91 C15758
DavidWF2009: Stirling 150283 to Edinburgh 5th April 91 C15756
DavidWF2009: Stirling 158716 Glasgow to Aberdeen 5th April 91 C15759