David Wanat: Simon cuddling his Christmas Hedge Hog after running around in the snow all morning.
David Wanat: The 3 Amigos
David Wanat: IMG_8773
David Wanat: IMG_8775
David Wanat: So cute!
David Wanat: Giving his little princess a kiss
David Wanat: Trying to avoid the headband...
David Wanat: Simon is requesting back up!
David Wanat: Girly Girl... at the moment. lol
David Wanat: Gotta love the shoes with the Hello Kitty socks!
David Wanat: There's little petals in the ballerina skirt... so fascinating today
David Wanat: Mr Underoo & Clone Trooper
David Wanat: Loves dressing up
David Wanat: Doing his "light saber moves"
David Wanat: So pretty
David Wanat: What a cutie!
David Wanat: Watch out! Clone Trooper Ryan means business!
David Wanat: What a cutie!
David Wanat: Sharing (eating) Daddy's oatmeal
David Wanat: So pretty!
David Wanat: Cheeeese
David Wanat: What a ham!
David Wanat: Showing me her "pointing her toes" skills =)
David Wanat: Gotta love the boots!