David Wanat: The first dusting this winter
David Wanat: Fave Tree on the property
David Wanat: My Fave tree on the property
David Wanat: Pine tree branch
David Wanat: Simon... always on the lookout for a squirrel
David Wanat: I love snow covered hay bales
David Wanat: Last of the grass
David Wanat: Creek out back
David Wanat: Creek out back
David Wanat: Creek out back
David Wanat: Cool berries I found while walking around before the wind hit
David Wanat: Simon playing in the snow
David Wanat: Snowdrift
David Wanat: Making sure Daddy is making the cave right
David Wanat: Having fun outside in the snow
David Wanat: Mr. Polar Bear just came out of his snow cave
David Wanat: His fave big piece of snow
David Wanat: Calling "Nanae" to come play in the snow cave
David Wanat: More cool drifts
David Wanat: Trying to catch snow flakes on her tongue
David Wanat: Snowdrift
David Wanat: Snow wave in our barn
David Wanat: Getting ready to master the drift
David Wanat: Um... there's no more drift. Where do I go?