David Wanat: Chloe loves climbing around the van... lol
David Wanat: I found some bark for our fire!
David Wanat: Getting all set up
David Wanat: Silly faces
David Wanat: Another view from campsite
David Wanat: This stick is too big to carry... but it's really COOL!
David Wanat: Nathan finding more sticks
David Wanat: Chloe happy to be free from the van!
David Wanat: Nathan Found a Walking Stick
David Wanat: Getting the tent all ready
David Wanat: Ryan helping Daddy set up the tent
David Wanat: View from our campsite
David Wanat: He looked so cool!
David Wanat: Our Guard Caterpillar
David Wanat: Fog in the morning
David Wanat: Cutie pie!
David Wanat: Warming up his breakfast by the fire. lol
David Wanat: One Cool Dude!
David Wanat: Taking a break from his gameboy for a little breakfast.
David Wanat: Fog in the morning
David Wanat: What's in here?
David Wanat: Awwww!
David Wanat: Getting the fire started.