1davidstella: central market, kota kinabalu.
1davidstella: i foto you, u foto me.
1davidstella: smoko (and coffee) break
1davidstella: i ask the heavens.
1davidstella: i am who i am.
1davidstella: evening at tamu putatan
1davidstella: local fruits at tamu putatan.
1davidstella: have a break, have a photo taken.
1davidstella: watermelons at tamu putatan.
1davidstella: we love tamu putatan.
1davidstella: patatoes and bananas at tamu putatan.
1davidstella: watermelons at tamu putatan.
1davidstella: local vegetables at tamu putatan.
1davidstella: gibbon sepia
1davidstella: happiness
1davidstella: there is something interesting for everyone.
1davidstella: pony tails
1davidstella: the elder
1davidstella: happy shopper at a pet stall
1davidstella: ground control.. the navigation malfunction.. we landed in a market.
1davidstella: another day, another story.
1davidstella: Flickingeria fimbriata
1davidstella: bro', you only take pictures of the ladies?
1davidstella: fresh coconut drink and a chat
1davidstella: sunday market at gaya street
1davidstella: happiness
1davidstella: handicrafts centre at the bazaar, kota kinabalu
1davidstella: this one looks good
1davidstella: cricket