D-Stanley: RMS St Helena London
D-Stanley: RMS St Helena
D-Stanley: Jamestown Gut
D-Stanley: Jamestown Warehouses
D-Stanley: James Bay
D-Stanley: Group of Saints
D-Stanley: The Arch
D-Stanley: Jamestown Castle
D-Stanley: Jamestown Castle
D-Stanley: Council Chamber
D-Stanley: Grand Parade
D-Stanley: Castle Gardens
D-Stanley: Museum of St Helena
D-Stanley: H.M. Prison
D-Stanley: Main Street in Jamestown
D-Stanley: Jamestown Tourist Office
D-Stanley: Market Street
D-Stanley: Chevrolet Charabanc
D-Stanley: Church and Ladder
D-Stanley: Jacob's Ladder
D-Stanley: Basil George on Jacob's Ladder
D-Stanley: Jamestown Valley
D-Stanley: Wellington House Hotel
D-Stanley: Half Tree Hollow
D-Stanley: Ladder Hill Fort and Battery
D-Stanley: Jamestown Port Facilities
D-Stanley: Munden's Road
D-Stanley: Downtown Jamestown
D-Stanley: Alarm Forest