davidsilver: students working on the farm at black mountain college, june 1936
davidsilver: ross penley on the farm at black mountain college
davidsilver: Work program, construction of Studies Building, 1940-41 - student Virgil "Danny" Deaver on tractor
davidsilver: students digging drainage ditches, black mountain college
davidsilver: Taking a break from farming; or, I think this is my all-time favorite photo of Black Mountain College, circa 1936-37
davidsilver: martha rittenhouse (treichler) and william "bill" treichler, mowing grass at black mountain college
davidsilver: students and farmer roscoe penley farming at blue ridge campus, black mountain college, circa 1936-37
davidsilver: Mary “Molly” Gregory, faculty of woodworking and one-time farm manager, Black Mountain College, 1941-47
davidsilver: Iconic shot of the farm at Black Mountain College by Josef Breitenbach, summer 1944
davidsilver: Young art student looking for inspiration on the farm at Black Mountain College, summer 1944
davidsilver: photography class with joseph breitenbach (and josef albers) in the cabbage patch at black mountain college, summer 1944
davidsilver: ruth asawa's egg basket, 1947-48 - a slide from Jason Andrew's talk "Ruth Asawa and the Transcendence of Craft"
davidsilver: Cutting the Corn
davidsilver: theodoros stamos’s (black mountain college faculty of painting and drawing, summer 1950) “the emperor ploughs the fields”
davidsilver: "Construction of barn, Lake Eden farm"
davidsilver: the barn and silo, designed by lawrence kocher and constructed by students (especially bob bliss) and faculty in 1941
davidsilver: Corn silos, circa early 1950s
davidsilver: the farm at black mountain college, circa 1943
davidsilver: last pic, two