davidsilver: in the future, this will be an organic garden
davidsilver: garden project
davidsilver: about half of USF's organic garden has been planted with cover crop and the other half is growing food like crazy
davidsilver: eleven farmers
davidsilver: working in the garden
davidsilver: garden project students give marco a tour of the garden
davidsilver: garden project 1
davidsilver: USF professor john callaway and students experiment with native grasses in USF's organic garden
davidsilver: discussion of farm city and urban homesteading in the campus garden
davidsilver: architecture and community design students demo their outdoor classroom models to urban ag faculty
davidsilver: learning about what we weed when
davidsilver: kitchen 2
davidsilver: kitchen 3
davidsilver: the kitchen begins to take shape in the campus garden
davidsilver: kitchen as classroom - USF history professor heather hoag visits garden project
davidsilver: last supper for garden project
davidsilver: today the students and professors of garden project and advanced urban ag joined forces for a homegrown, homemade early thanksgiving feast
davidsilver: last urban ag faculty meeting of the year (with a special guest!)
davidsilver: today's ingredients
davidsilver: community garden outreach cooking workshop (salad team)
davidsilver: community garden outreach cooking workshop at st cyprian's kitchen (collards and potato-leek soup teams)
davidsilver: glazing the biscuits with butter
davidsilver: green media cooking in the community kitchen at st cyprian's
davidsilver: garden grown salad
davidsilver: this week's dessert was 3 strawberry-rhubarb pies (1 gluten-free) made by olivia from rhubarb from the garden
davidsilver: serving collards and soup
davidsilver: campus farmstand
davidsilver: out of nowhere, the contra costa hiking group appeared and bought every desert and soup in sight
davidsilver: mango salad, vietnamese spring rolls, homemade veggie stock, and portuguese caldo verde soup all on one table
davidsilver: USF farmstand