davidsilver: day one
davidsilver: embedded librarians - three models to promote the library and improve student learning
davidsilver: a slide from heather tompkins and margaret pezalla granlund's talk on student-curated library exhibits at carleton college
davidsilver: keynoter raj patel
davidsilver: day two
davidsilver: ellen filgo (e-learning librarian, baylor university) and her "hashtag librarian- embedded in a class via twitter and blogs" poster
davidsilver: big crowd around the hashtag librarian poster session
davidsilver: jacqui grallo (reference and instructional technology librarian, cal state university monterey bay) and the "student success, retention, and the academic library" poster
davidsilver: student success, retention, and the academic library
davidsilver: the brilliant "building buzz without big bucks" poster from librarians at the college of the holy cross
davidsilver: the slow reveal of iF2
davidsilver: note to david - read this
davidsilver: the cook book stall at reading market
davidsilver: projecting an image- a field guide to visual literacy panel
davidsilver: how the common experience project changed everything poster
davidsilver: lorraine wochna (instruction librarian, ohio university) and her how the common experience project changed everything poster
davidsilver: alexia hudson (information resources & services specialist, pennsylvania state university abington) and her Civility@OurLibraries poster
davidsilver: tara mcpherson's "animating archives- new modes of humanities scholarship" talk