davidsilver: o'grady library
davidsilver: library exhibit around the olympia food co-op's boycott
davidsilver: Olympia Food Co Op Takes Radical Step Toward Social Justice
davidsilver: Peace Oil- Shalom Aleichem
davidsilver: Against Boycott and Divestment
davidsilver: If knowledge be the food of
davidsilver: the title of my talk
davidsilver: gleeson library
davidsilver: special thanks to gleeson librarians (slide for acrl talk)
davidsilver: the reading room in the back of first floor gleeson library
davidsilver: group 3b morning
davidsilver: Why is the World so blue?
davidsilver: group 3c afternoon
davidsilver: propositions 2 and 8
davidsilver: students teaching students
davidsilver: morning exhibit
davidsilver: sarah palin and joe biden
davidsilver: why is the world so blue?
davidsilver: election exhibit in gleeson library
davidsilver: before
davidsilver: here's some of our favorite books - what are yours?
davidsilver: a fort begins
davidsilver: a reading room
davidsilver: borrowing some ideas from professor kelly quinn, students decorated the reading fort with discarded book covers
davidsilver: sara reading in the reading fort
davidsilver: the reading fort
davidsilver: the fort falls!
davidsilver: fort down
davidsilver: fixing the fort
davidsilver: the reading fort restored