davidsilver: using colored markers and a whiteboard, my students recorded their experience (or lack thereof) with the 7 digital platforms we'll be using this semester
davidsilver: instead of printing out 13 copies of my 6-page syllabus, i copied the URL, pasted it 13 times, and printed it out on bright green paper. then i cut the paper into fortune cookie-like strips and handed them out to students in class this morning
davidsilver: when giving a reading quiz to my students last thursday, i asked them to use as little paper as possible. most succeeded.
davidsilver: demo day: facebook
davidsilver: demo day: twitter
davidsilver: my grand unified theory - sketched! in chalk! - of digital media production
davidsilver: today in class we talked about twitter and ...
davidsilver: checking out campus from kalmanvitz 499, right side
davidsilver: checking out campus from kalmanvitz 499, left side
davidsilver: checking out campus from kalmanvitz 499 from new perspectives
davidsilver: documenting from kalmanavitz 499
davidsilver: once we looked at campus for a while, we sketched - collectively - what we remembered seeing
davidsilver: the way we remember seeing main campus from kalmanavitz 499
davidsilver: jason pontius from white whale visited class for 15 minutes to tell us about white whale's plan for USF's new web site
davidsilver: and then students left kalmanavitz 499 and took pictures of campus and of each other
davidsilver: demo day: flickr
davidsilver: the students of digital media production
davidsilver: peter novak, dean of arts and humanities, visited DMP to brainstorm our killer final project
davidsilver: erin, me, and jess in dmp09
davidsilver: class agenda
davidsilver: tuesday's homework
davidsilver: demo on one laptop
davidsilver: students demoing to students
davidsilver: looking
davidsilver: looking, part two
davidsilver: brainstorming categories for our final project
davidsilver: peter particularly excited about a topic
davidsilver: potential topics for final project
davidsilver: thursday's homework
davidsilver: our map in progress