davidsilver: as designated by the castro crüe and as distributed via twitter, eating san francisco students and i met in front of the castro theater at 6:15 pm
davidsilver: inside castro theater
davidsilver: Sing-A-Long
davidsilver: the magical organ that rises to the stage and plays beautiful music before the film begins at the castro theater
davidsilver: gavin, a volunteer at the GLBT historical society on castro and 18th, gave us an excellent introduction to the exhibition as well as a brief history of the castro - awesome
davidsilver: ashley and sylvester
davidsilver: the last suit worn by harvey milk
davidsilver: mike caffee's michelangelo's david
davidsilver: the sausage factory
davidsilver: ray, a manager at the sausage factory, gave us a history of the restaurant as well as a brief history of the castro
davidsilver: eating san francisco eats the castro
davidsilver: to the right
davidsilver: to the left, to the left
davidsilver: in the window
davidsilver: the night ended at hot cookie then we left via cars and buses