davidsilver: what my students know and don't know, use and don't use
davidsilver: college students' use of facebook, twitter, flickr, google maps, and online video
davidsilver: college students' use/non-use of blogs, zotero, yelp, and wikipedia
davidsilver: brenda hough guest lecturing in digital media production
davidsilver: digital media production meets members of white whale to share ideas about USF's future web site
davidsilver: michael villasenor talking about the foghorn online to digital media production
davidsilver: sky madden talking about rich media to digital media production
davidsilver: 4:20 on haight-ashbury
davidsilver: haight ashbury
davidsilver: sam and bharat
davidsilver: nearly all of digital media production class on haight street
davidsilver: (nearly all of) digital media production class at the red vic cafe on haight street
davidsilver: students brainstorming ways to edit and extend USF's wikipedia page
davidsilver: how would you change USF's wikipedia page?
davidsilver: correcting and annotating, via chalk and pens, USF's wikipedia page
davidsilver: additions and corrections to USF's wikipedia page
davidsilver: collectively brainstorming ways to corrrect and improve USF's wikipedia page
davidsilver: which student is editing and adding to which section/s of USF's wikipedia page
davidsilver: digital media production celebrates a semester well done with lunch at ponchos on geary
davidsilver: my students' planned future use or non use of twitter, facebook, and google maps; also, whether they will use facebook the same or differently
davidsilver: my students' planned future use or non use of blogs, zotero, and wikipedia
davidsilver: what my students plan to use and not use in the future, following a semester of digital media production