davidsilver: southside tomatoes, 2
davidsilver: southside tomatoes, 1
davidsilver: spice hill ... gorgeous
davidsilver: peas growing on a teepee with potatoes in its center
davidsilver: triangle plot
davidsilver: squashazoid (squash needs sun)
davidsilver: north plot
davidsilver: northside tomatoes plot
davidsilver: a small patch of corn comes in
davidsilver: it's best to garden under a full blue sky
davidsilver: summer sign-up sheet
davidsilver: orchard with individual trees gaining safety from pests because of the mustard greens
davidsilver: zuchs coming in!
davidsilver: tonight's dinner in a bag
davidsilver: championship pizza
davidsilver: prime garden real estate (excellent sun, excellent soil)
davidsilver: as the chards and greens (foreground) continue to produce food, the zukes (background) prepare for their reign
davidsilver: USF garden
davidsilver: food from USF's garden
davidsilver: squash taking over