davidsilver: jewlee
davidsilver: jini
davidsilver: jini, jini's tongue, and sarah
davidsilver: don and jewlee
davidsilver: sarah
davidsilver: a new scarf
davidsilver: sarah, a snowman, and lights
davidsilver: snow on the ground
davidsilver: the walker art center
davidsilver: the walker art center
davidsilver: from the walker
davidsilver: a church, a museum, and a (former) theater
davidsilver: frank gehry fish
davidsilver: frank gehry fish
davidsilver: sarah and jini
davidsilver: sarah, jini, and two pretty sweet scarfs
davidsilver: pat, sarah, jini
davidsilver: me and sarah
davidsilver: me and sarah
davidsilver: me and sarah
davidsilver: minnesota
davidsilver: dylan and minnesota
davidsilver: dylan's party tape
davidsilver: clothes for cold weather
davidsilver: funky outfit for cold weather
davidsilver: simulated tornado
davidsilver: st paul capital
davidsilver: sarah washburn, information designer, circa 1985
davidsilver: betsy, charlie, and sarah