davidsilver: sweet potato pie
davidsilver: beef pot pie
davidsilver: two pies
davidsilver: sarah and her sweet potato pie
davidsilver: sarah, mom, wine, and nene's bowls
davidsilver: jeff, the proud cook of the best turkey ever
davidsilver: me and my sister nancy
davidsilver: me, my sister cara, and my sister nancy
davidsilver: sarah, me, and my sister nancy
davidsilver: enough already!
davidsilver: little talk, lots of eating
davidsilver: w, a, and sarah
davidsilver: the turkey's almost finished!
davidsilver: curious ... and hungry
davidsilver: kid's table
davidsilver: the receiver of tickles
davidsilver: me and b
davidsilver: best turkey ever
davidsilver: he melts you
davidsilver: under the table
davidsilver: w in pajamas and lonnie
davidsilver: w and his incredible smile
davidsilver: sarah and me
davidsilver: me and mom