David R. Crowe: The cutest creek in the world
David R. Crowe: The cutest creek in the world
David R. Crowe: Venus Slipper Orchid
David R. Crowe: Venus Slipper Orchid
David R. Crowe: Venus Slipper Orchid and Equisetum
David R. Crowe: Venus Slipper Orchid
David R. Crowe: Towards Sparrowhawk
David R. Crowe: Wind Mountain and Sparrowhawk
David R. Crowe: Lougheed, Wind, Sparrowhawk
David R. Crowe: Spray Lake
David R. Crowe: Mountain Valley
David R. Crowe: Enjoying the view
David R. Crowe: David up top
David R. Crowe: Ariana, Rob, Sheila, Luz, Kim, David
David R. Crowe: Bashful Ariana, Rob, Sheila, Luz, Kim, David
David R. Crowe: The cutest creek in the world
David R. Crowe: The cutest creek in the world
David R. Crowe: The cutest creek in the world
David R. Crowe: The cutest creek in the world
David R. Crowe: Our Destination: Little Lougheed