David R. Crowe: Chopping the Raisins
David R. Crowe: All the fruit
David R. Crowe: Dry Ingredients
David R. Crowe: Chopping Almonds
David R. Crowe: Grating Nutmeg
David R. Crowe: Grating Ginger
David R. Crowe: Almonds, Nutmeg, Ginger and Allspice
David R. Crowe: Fruit with sugar
David R. Crowe: Milk and Brandy
David R. Crowe: Grated Carrot
David R. Crowe: Everything
David R. Crowe: Mixing the pudding
David R. Crowe: Oil the Containers
David R. Crowe: Puddings in the Pot
David R. Crowe: A strange pot