Dave Blinder: Northern Flicker
Dave Blinder: swainson's thrush (series)
Dave Blinder: Scarlet Tanager
Dave Blinder: today's special: yellowjacket surprise
Dave Blinder: pied-billed grebe
Dave Blinder: female house finch
Dave Blinder: at least that annoying guy upstairs moved out...
Dave Blinder: rose-breasted grosbeak
Dave Blinder: parent's watchful eye
Dave Blinder: yellow warbler
Dave Blinder: IMG_1380
Dave Blinder: goldfinch
Dave Blinder: juvenile red-tailed hawk
Dave Blinder: nuthatch
Dave Blinder: anhingas
Dave Blinder: Itchy the Ibis
Dave Blinder: Pine Glades Lake
Dave Blinder: B&W Pelican
Dave Blinder: Northern Rough Winged Swallow
Dave Blinder: Red Bellied and Downy Woodpeckers
Dave Blinder: Cowbirds
Dave Blinder: lomo vulture
Dave Blinder: Grackle
Dave Blinder: Indigo Bunting
Dave Blinder: Savannah Sparrow
Dave Blinder: Mockingbird
Dave Blinder: Eastern Phoebe
Dave Blinder: Northern Cardinal