David P Best: 7075 Aluminum Plate found on eBay - 12 x 20 x 1", $120 delivered
David P Best: Drawing of upgraded table - top surface
David P Best: Drawing of upgraded table - side details
David P Best: Drawing of upgraded table - bottom surface
David P Best: Modeling a work holding strategy for a new MuutiRouter table
David P Best: Flattening the raw stock with 4" Haas facemill after squaring up to size.
David P Best: First drilling and tapping operations on top side.
David P Best: Setup for machining bottom features - Haas 2" face mill.
David P Best: Setup for milling the edge features - notches and reamed holes.
David P Best: 0.249" reaming operation for pivot pins.
David P Best: Test fit after completion of machining operations.
David P Best: Test fit after completion of machining operations.
David P Best: After glass bead-blast and clear hard anodizing.
David P Best: After glass bead-blast and clear hard anodizing.
David P Best: After glass bead-blast and clear hard anodizing.
David P Best: MultiRouter Working 3D Model
David P Best: Drawings for DRO Install 1
David P Best: Drawings for DRO Install 2
David P Best: Drawings for DRO Install 3
David P Best: Drawings for DRO Install 4
David P Best: Drawings for DRO Install 5
David P Best: Drawings for DRO Install 6
David P Best: Drawings for DRO Install 7
David P Best: Drawings for DRO Install 8
David P Best: Drawings for DRO Install 9
David P Best: David Best Full Custom Edition Multirouter
David P Best: Multirouter with 3-axis DRO on custom cart
David P Best: Custom Cabinet 1
David P Best: Custom Cabinet 2
David P Best: Custom Cabinet 3