David P Best: PM1340 Spider Drawing
David P Best: Raw Material - 1018 pipe found on eBay
David P Best: During final fitting to spindle OD
David P Best: Love the new stainless steel fasteners
David P Best: Installed on the PM1340
David P Best: The hard clear anodizing - a good match to paint color
David P Best: Oil drain system - no more mess
David P Best: Video - running gear stability at 2081 RPM
David P Best: In use
David P Best: The Spider looking through spindle
David P Best: Alignment Platform
David P Best: Alignment system mounted to cover
David P Best: Alignment system mounted to cover
David P Best: Spider runout ajustment indicator
David P Best: Support bracket for DRO from behind lathe
David P Best: DRO and tachometer display mounting after anodizing