David P Best: Prototype Parallel Stop Distance Copy Jig
David P Best: This is the telesoping elemeent
David P Best: Magnetic Switch
David P Best: The monopod is captivated in a U-channel
David P Best: The monopod is captivated in a U-channel
David P Best: Felder Parallel Fence System Prototype
David P Best: Felder Parallel Fence Stop Prototype
David P Best: AirTight Parallel Stop System Prototype
David P Best: Airtight Parallel Stop Prototype
David P Best: Copying Distance to Parallel Stop Prototype
David P Best: Felder Parallel Fence Stop Prototype
David P Best: Felder Parallel Stop Prototype
David P Best: Airtight Parallel Stop Prototype
David P Best: Setting Distance Arm to Crosscut Stop Prototype
David P Best: Simplified version by David "Lucky" Luckensmeyer
David P Best: Final version of parallel fence setting tool
David P Best: Drops into the holes for the scoring saw adjustment
David P Best: Registration studs on bottom of jig
David P Best: Close-up of final version of the Parallel Fence Setting Jig
David P Best: Recesses for finger grip
David P Best: Another view
David P Best: Easy to copy one stop setting to parallel fence
David P Best: Using parallel fence to cut cabinet side panels.
David P Best: Cutting panels to width.
David P Best: Straight-line ripping on the sliding table.
David P Best: Comparision of various parallel fences.
David P Best: Lamb Toolworks Analog version
David P Best: Lamb Toolworks Analog version
David P Best: Lamb Toolworks Digital version
David P Best: Lamb v AirTight version