dp.hotography: KT waits in the parking lot
dp.hotography: Danny Kim with football
dp.hotography: Matt tackling Danny
dp.hotography: Crossing the Bay Bridge
dp.hotography: Gorgeous View
dp.hotography: Our National Colors
dp.hotography: Shuo and Ian
dp.hotography: Darks
dp.hotography: Lights
dp.hotography: Sam throws the football
dp.hotography: Jonah and Brian
dp.hotography: Tranee Kevin and Stephanie
dp.hotography: Judge and Sam trying to get the ball
dp.hotography: Throw it Mike!
dp.hotography: Trying to get people's attention
dp.hotography: Albert throws the ball
dp.hotography: Jackson
dp.hotography: Kevin throws the ball
dp.hotography: Jeff: "Oh my! Caleb!"
dp.hotography: Judge tackles Terry
dp.hotography: Ah! I don't want the ball!
dp.hotography: Ron tackles Terry
dp.hotography: Ron Tackles Terry
dp.hotography: Judge gets up after hurting leg
dp.hotography: Mike Cherrypicking
dp.hotography: Go Mike Go!
dp.hotography: Josh and Hubert fight for the ball