dp.hotography: Hubert at the Barrows Tunnel Thing
dp.hotography: Prepping the Camera
dp.hotography: Changing settings
dp.hotography: Something funny must have happened
dp.hotography: Light Bulb Inspiration
dp.hotography: Light Bulb Inspiration
dp.hotography: Self Portrait from Behind Bars
dp.hotography: Le Conte Ants
dp.hotography: Hubert Portrait
dp.hotography: Some random person walked in
dp.hotography: Hubert Reflection
dp.hotography: Camera Duel
dp.hotography: Hubert being reflective
dp.hotography: From a different perspective
dp.hotography: I don't know why he did this
dp.hotography: Creepy
dp.hotography: London Plane Trees
dp.hotography: Nita walking out from IEOR 161
dp.hotography: What Hubert looks like when he edits photos
dp.hotography: Nikon D80
dp.hotography: Nikon D80
dp.hotography: Through the Viewfinder 1
dp.hotography: Through the Viewfinder 2