dp.hotography: IMG_5870
dp.hotography: IMG_5879
dp.hotography: IMG_5882
dp.hotography: Hubert with his Nikon. Psh.
dp.hotography: H.Wong.
dp.hotography: Trying some random lighting outside
dp.hotography: Don't like how there's the shadow on his face. We're gonna have to redo these...
dp.hotography: Macbook Doppelgänger
dp.hotography: Photoshoots are tiring
dp.hotography: Taking a break
dp.hotography: Keep shooting!
dp.hotography: Taking a picture of the Campanile
dp.hotography: Billy Zhang
dp.hotography: Seniors working on top secret stuff
dp.hotography: Michael Zhang and his monster 24-70L
dp.hotography: Billy Zhang. I asked him to pose for me. I needed to show Paul something.
dp.hotography: Yeah. Real good.
dp.hotography: Talk to the hand. I'm gonna listen to my earplugs.
dp.hotography: Jenny Le
dp.hotography: Apparently, this is what I look like when I'm editing photos...
dp.hotography: Hubert stares at the ceiling
dp.hotography: We took jumping pictures. Hubert can fly
dp.hotography: Flyy!
dp.hotography: Ready?
dp.hotography: Jump!
dp.hotography: Smooth landing.
dp.hotography: Seriously. Hubert can fly.
dp.hotography: I can fly too.
dp.hotography: The "V" with Magnum. Not Blue Steel. Magnum.