dp.hotography: Lunch Time
dp.hotography: 우리 땅 독도
dp.hotography: John Yoo. Been hearing about him for a while now.
dp.hotography: GP Tabling
dp.hotography: People watching the EGO performance.
dp.hotography: 사물놀이 - 징
dp.hotography: 사물놀이 - 장구
dp.hotography: 사물놀이 - 장구
dp.hotography: 사물놀이 - 징
dp.hotography: 사물놀이 - 장구
dp.hotography: 사물놀이 - 장구
dp.hotography: Chris Ko. Manning the table.
dp.hotography: This pose automatically comes out when the camera is pointed at him.
dp.hotography: Kevin Tabling
dp.hotography: Chris is off task. Drinking soda. Psh.
dp.hotography: The sproul fountain turned into a blue-ball-wonderland. Almost a water park but not.
dp.hotography: Mmmm hot dog.
dp.hotography: Blue. Green. Yellow.... Gray....
dp.hotography: There were so many people walking along Telegraph. I felt like Jahvid Best going in and out of traffic.
dp.hotography: Cal Day
dp.hotography: Different people tabling now.
dp.hotography: GP Tabling
dp.hotography: Brothers: Bored:: Sisters: ?
dp.hotography: Don't know whether they're current students or not...
dp.hotography: Helpful People
dp.hotography: Hey kids, dontcha know that water's dirty?
dp.hotography: You're not even kids! You should know better...
dp.hotography: Family having a good time
dp.hotography: Did you know Jahvid Best is known for not being able to throw the football. This little kid is out to prove him otherwise.
dp.hotography: New first-string QB?