Davidos3: Gilles - eye on the metal projectile
Davidos3: Brenda - how do i hold these again?!
Davidos3: Random Kid
Davidos3: The Party
Davidos3: Only in Azilda
Davidos3: mon oncle denyse
Davidos3: Paul
Davidos3: the Chef
Davidos3: Denyse and Agathe
Davidos3: grand Papa - Check Score
Davidos3: grand Papa - the toss
Davidos3: Patrick - monkeyish..
Davidos3: Lise and Liam
Davidos3: France
Davidos3: Matt
Davidos3: Brenda
Davidos3: Joelle - Big Laugh
Davidos3: the Sous Chef
Davidos3: the Card