david3108: Pinglin Bridge and Tea House sign
david3108: Lu Yu in stone
david3108: Lu Yu in bronze
david3108: Pinglin Tea Arts 坪林茶藝
david3108: Pounding the nut and tea mix
david3108: Lei Cha
david3108: Lei Cha set
david3108: Mixing the lei cha
david3108: Adding the powder
david3108: Mixing the lei cha
david3108: Tea harvest
david3108: Teapots for sale
david3108: Tea Mountain
david3108: Tea oil shop
david3108: Afternoon Tea
david3108: Lei Cha in Beipu
david3108: Inside the tea house
david3108: The Well 水井茶堂
david3108: Ice tea
david3108: A strong hand
david3108: 下午茶
david3108: Wistaria Teahouse 紫藤廬
david3108: San-hsi-t'ang Teahouse 堂希三
david3108: Test shot at f/1.8