David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of wonderful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Waving in the current
David Marriott - Sydney: Ceratosoma amoenum nudibranch
David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of colourful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Moral eel keeping an eye on me
David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of colourful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of colourful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of colourful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of colourful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of colourful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of colourful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of colourful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Lots of colourful coral
David Marriott - Sydney: Wobbegong carpet shark
David Marriott - Sydney: Octopus checking if my finger is food
David Marriott - Sydney: Octopus in lotus pose
David Marriott - Sydney: Shiprock flowers
David Marriott - Sydney: I am really not sure
David Marriott - Sydney: Furry (and colourful) starfish
David Marriott - Sydney: Southern rock cod
David Marriott - Sydney: Black-white nudi
David Marriott - Sydney: Big Octopus (hiding)
David Marriott - Sydney: Porcupine Fish