David Lev: Morning dew
David Lev: Poppy after the rain
David Lev: Droplets
David Lev: Wet Gazania
David Lev: Wet hat
David Lev: Morning Dew
David Lev: Eschscholzia
David Lev: Delayed flight due to heavy dew
David Lev: Morning dew
David Lev: Water Relief and Intaglio
David Lev: Rumors of rain
David Lev: Petal heART
David Lev: Drops on Gaura
David Lev: Tear from Paradise…
David Lev: For a - Autumn - HOT day
David Lev: Eichhornia center as close as possible
David Lev: Handle with care
David Lev: Cassia fistula bud
David Lev: Dotted
David Lev: African daisy
David Lev: More Cassia fistula
David Lev: Cassia fistula flower center
David Lev: Dragon in tears : - )
David Lev: Morning Chandelier
David Lev: Balanced