DKreft: Hooknose from Abecrombie 8-03-13
DKreft: Hooknose from Abecrombie_2 8-03-13
DKreft: Molybdenite Mtn_2
DKreft: So Blady lookout - 50mph winds2
DKreft: Mankato Peak
DKreft: Selkirk Mountains
DKreft: Sentinel Butte X-country trail, Kettle Range, NE WA
DKreft: Kettle Falls Bridges
DKreft: Kettle River west of Curlew, Ferry County, WA
DKreft: San Poil Valley at Gold Creek2
DKreft: Autumn Leaves1
DKreft: Green-winged-teal_male
DKreft: Eurasian Wigeon_male2
DKreft: Wood Duck2
DKreft: Hooded Merganser_pair of males in breeding plumage
DKreft: American Dipper
DKreft: Pacific Wren
DKreft: female Cooper’s Hawk
DKreft: American Kestrel2_male
DKreft: Pygmy Nuthatch at nest hole
DKreft: Cedar Waxwing_male_Pingston Cr
DKreft: Snow Bunting
DKreft: Mountain Bluebird pair_female food begging
DKreft: White-breasted Nuthatch
DKreft: River Otter_adult and pup_Kettle River_ Washington
DKreft: White-tail Spike on alert
DKreft: Frater Lake Warming Cabin
DKreft: Ghostown shadows_Bodie_Okanogan County_WA
DKreft: Comet C-2020 F3 NEOWISE, over Republic_medium
DKreft: Comet C-2020 F3 NEOWISE, over Kettle Range-Stickpin Burn