DKreft: Northern Pygmy Owl_with siskin prey
DKreft: Blue Jay
DKreft: Cassin's Finch4_male
DKreft: Cassin's Finch3_male
DKreft: Snow Bunting
DKreft: White-breasted Nuthatch
DKreft: Hooded Merganser_pair of males in breeding plumage
DKreft: Adult and juvenile Long-billed Dowitchers
DKreft: Mountain Bluebird with food_male
DKreft: Mountain Bluebird pair_female food begging
DKreft: Common Merganser_pair
DKreft: American Kestrel2_male
DKreft: American Dipper on ice shelf_nictating eyelid
DKreft: Pacific Wren
DKreft: Green-winged-teal_male
DKreft: Wood Duck2
DKreft: Northern Shrike2
DKreft: Spotted Towhee
DKreft: American Dipper
DKreft: American Dipper
DKreft: female Cooper’s Hawk