DKreft: Black-capped Chickadee
DKreft: American Dipper
DKreft: Black-backed Woodpecker_male_Key Point_Kettle Falls_2018-12-28
DKreft: Hooded Merganser
DKreft: River Otter_adult and pup_Kettle River_ Washington
DKreft: Pygmy Nuthatch1
DKreft: Pileated Woodpecker_Key Point_Kettle Falls, WA_2019-02-10
DKreft: Varied Thrush_Kettle Falls
DKreft: American Robin
DKreft: Red-tailed Hawks_typical and dark
DKreft: Say's phoebe2
DKreft: Wild Turkey_male
DKreft: American Kestral_male2
DKreft: Pine Siskin fledgling2_05-01-2019
DKreft: Savannah Sparrow
DKreft: Northern Flicker2
DKreft: Lewis's Woodpecker
DKreft: Sunset Swans2
DKreft: Sunset Swans3
DKreft: Short-eared owl-Fir Island
DKreft: Ring-necked Duck_hen
DKreft: Northern Pintail_drake
DKreft: Song Sparrow
DKreft: Lazuli Bunting 4_male
DKreft: Sandhill Crane_juvenile
DKreft: Sandhill Crane_flight
DKreft: Sandhill Cranes_formation
DKreft: Sandhill Cranes_herd2
DKreft: American Coot_Territorial Display_Whisper Lake
DKreft: Washignton Sagebrush-Steppe_Douglas County