David Lee King: Lilly is perturbed
David Lee King: iHop dinner!
David Lee King: out the hotel window
David Lee King: out the hotel window
David Lee King: no cell phones at Subway
David Lee King: me and Dana
David Lee King: me and Dana
David Lee King: me and Dana
David Lee King: me and Dana
David Lee King: me and Dana
David Lee King: cloudy mountain
David Lee King: cloudy mountain
David Lee King: nostalgic soda
David Lee King: trains and mountains
David Lee King: frozen trees in Granby
David Lee King: Inn at SilverCreek
David Lee King: Inn at SilverCreek
David Lee King: polar bear
David Lee King: do not antagonize ... the stuffed polar bear
David Lee King: scary stuffed bear
David Lee King: horses!
David Lee King: the fam
David Lee King: the fam
David Lee King: horses
David Lee King: horses
David Lee King: horses
David Lee King: the fam
David Lee King: horses!
David Lee King: roasting marshmallows