David Lee King: Starting out in liberty
David Lee King: St louis for lunch
David Lee King: cool statue at the hotel
David Lee King: Made memphis
David Lee King: Made memphis
David Lee King: driving
David Lee King: pine trees
David Lee King: some gas station
David Lee King: unpacking
David Lee King: the church
David Lee King: the church
David Lee King: nate snoozing
David Lee King: last one up is my kid
David Lee King: fixing breakfast
David Lee King: tarps on the roof a year later
David Lee King: yard work
David Lee King: yard work
David Lee King: drinks
David Lee King: dinner time
David Lee King: puppets
David Lee King: women's center
David Lee King: music class
David Lee King: Praying with guys at the men's center
David Lee King: Pascagoula, Mississippi
David Lee King: board on the beach
David Lee King: broken pier
David Lee King: dead shark