Happysmurfday: Tairua Volcano as seen from the community center
Happysmurfday: Meditating Marke
Happysmurfday: Kids starting their circus workshops
Happysmurfday: Roul teaches poi
Happysmurfday: Astronaut Kid
Happysmurfday: Me in Tairua
Happysmurfday: Karl and Emma
Happysmurfday: Paul, Tess and Me Walking up Volcano in Tairua
Happysmurfday: Bay over Tairua
Happysmurfday: Karl scowls at the top of the volcano
Happysmurfday: Horizon map at the peak of the volcano
Happysmurfday: Marke, Karl and Tony at the peak of the volcano
Happysmurfday: Pregnant Karl
Happysmurfday: Mouse, Tess and Me at the top of the Volcano in Tairua
Happysmurfday: Marke Splits the Mountain
Happysmurfday: The town from the side of the volcano
Happysmurfday: Marke on the hill
Happysmurfday: The Volcano in Tairua
Happysmurfday: Palm Ferns on the side of the volcano
Happysmurfday: The view from the shore near the volcano
Happysmurfday: Pauly and Tony throwing rocks
Happysmurfday: Wet rocks
Happysmurfday: Paul and his stick
Happysmurfday: Grass by the rocks near the ocean
Happysmurfday: Porous Rocks
Happysmurfday: Layered rocks
Happysmurfday: Cracked Rocks
Happysmurfday: Orange Moss