dhpolepole: Pasochoa - 13,800 ft.
dhpolepole: At the summit of Pasochoa
dhpolepole: Colorful houses
dhpolepole: sinkhole
dhpolepole: lava tunnel
dhpolepole: Giant Land Tortoise
dhpolepole: Giant Land Tortoise
dhpolepole: Weighs more than me!
dhpolepole: Tom & the Tortoise
dhpolepole: Sunset from my balcony
dhpolepole: Pelican
dhpolepole: Tom, Bill and Mario our guide
dhpolepole: I cannot remember what kind of bird this is, but I like the red rim around the eyes.
dhpolepole: blue footed boobie with egg
dhpolepole: Another unidentified bird - I am sure I was told, but I forgot!
dhpolepole: Mario explains to all
dhpolepole: What is the white ring around the blue-footed boogie?
dhpolepole: blue footed boobie with two eggs
dhpolepole: looks like an indian with feather on his head
dhpolepole: small lizard
dhpolepole: mother with two chicks
dhpolepole: dancing to attract a female
dhpolepole: yep, it is what you think it is
dhpolepole: time for a cigarette
dhpolepole: looks like something from a horror movie
dhpolepole: Frigate in Flight
dhpolepole: Only the strong survive
dhpolepole: Sea Lion Pup
dhpolepole: Sea Lion Pup
dhpolepole: a black knight? No, some sort of iguana...