strobist: Thursday Afternoon in The Marais
strobist: Protesting the Government at The Bastille
strobist: Thomas and Charlotte at the Eiffel Tower
strobist: Rue de la Verrerie, Paris
strobist: Marché aux Puces
strobist: Before Dawn, Arabian Gulf
strobist: DSCF5012.JPG
strobist: DSCF9246A.JPG
strobist: DSCF9112.JPG
strobist: DSCF9100.JPG
strobist: Victoria Peak in Hong Kong
strobist: DSCF8629.JPG
strobist: HongKong2014.jpg
strobist: Andrew_DSCF4701.jpg
strobist: Jordan, Kowloon
strobist: DSCF4084.JPG
strobist: DSCF0663.JPG
strobist: Escalator, Nathan Road in Kowloon
strobist: DSCF0228.jpg
strobist: Hong Kong Harbor and Smog
strobist: They Keep Getting Bigger
strobist: Akihabara, Tokyo
strobist: Tokyo Underground
strobist: Casey Dyson, of Cookie Ride in Howard County, MD
strobist: Evening at Lakefest
strobist: Soprano Rebecca L. Hargrove
strobist: NYC Skyline
strobist: Grand Central Terminal
strobist: Concert Pianists Tian Lu and Yuri Shadrin
strobist: Spring is Going Nuts Around Here